Saturday 24 November 2012


Dear Readers,
 Did you know that only 1 in 10,000 turtle hatchlings make it to become adults?

Marine turtles play a key role in our coastal and marine ecosystem. but today, they are fighting for survival because of habitat loss due to unsustainable development as well as the sale and consumption of their eggs.

The marine turtle are not only majestic, gentle and utterly breathtaking creatures; they also play an important part in our marine ecosystem by maintaining healthy coral reefs and sea grass beds.

- Green turtles are largely herbivorous, and their constant grazing on sea grasses increases the health and growth rate of sea grass beds.

- Leatherback turtles are the top predators of oceanic jellyfish, which in turn eat larval fish. as the number of leatherbacks in the ocean decreases, jellyfish numbers may increase locally and eat more larval fish, leaving fewer fish to grow.

- Hawksbill turtles feed mainly on sponges and play caretaker role on coral reefs: by eating sponges they make room for more corals to settle for a healthy reef system.

The marine turtle's contribution go beyond their daily lives; it impacts us and our marine eco-system too. Our marine eco-system that supply you with seafood while sustaining the fisheries and ecotourism industries at the same time. So you see the importance of protecting these magnificent creatures.

Your writter,
Hazlin Emira bte Kamal Bahrain :)


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