Saturday 7 December 2013

Break Time

    Looks like I'm gonna take a break from writing my short story. A busy time for me~ Sorry. But yet again, who even reads my blog posts? Haha... To you who do, I wanna say thankyou with all my heart. See you soon~

    Sincerly, Hazlin Emira :)

Thursday 5 December 2013

The Silver Feather : Chapter 3 The Silver Secret Part 1

    After George was laid on a mattress in the living room downstairs, I went back up to mum's room. It was tough carrying George down the stairs, luckily Scarlette assisted me but it was still a struggle. Up the stairs I walked, spotting the blood spatter on the hall way floor infront of mum's room. My heart sank thinking of the danger George put himself through.

    I entered mum's room, there the broken door laid on the wooden floor. The two dead witch's bodies were still in the room covered with blood and stinking up the room. The stench was horrible. Again, I almost vomited breathing in the horrid smell of blood and dead bodies starting to rot. I had to do what I had to do, so I opened the windows of mum's room wide open and dragged each body to the window. I lifted the bodies and pushed them out the window one by one. It landed on the ground outside the cottage.

    I couldn't resist the urge to throw up, so I threw up out the window. Vomit hurled out my mouth as if it was forced out. I felt sick to the bones and very queasy. I turned around facing mum's room, blood was all over mum's yellow carpet. I looked at myself, my shirt was covered with blood stains. What a dreadful moment my family have been through. My eye's than scanned the room. Mum's bed sheet had a little spatter of blood, while the blue carpet on the left side of the bed was clean from blood stains.

    On the yellow carpet, next to the blood stains  was the metal cylinder I held earlier. I walked towards it, blood was on it's blade end. I picked it up. The head of the metal was shaped like a water droplet upside down and it was surrounded by silver petals. In the head was a feather, trapped in the crystal water droplet. It was neatly up right, silver in colour and it sparkled in the light a little. Such beauty it was. Then I realized, the metal cylinder I was holding was a staff. Not an ordinary staff though, it wasn't made of wood like the staff witch hunters used, it was made of silver and crystal.

    Why was the staff under mum's bed? What was the light the staff gave out just then. Magic? The only magic I knew existed was black magic. Again I asked myself, why in the world was the staff under mum's bed? Did it belong to my dear mum? Frustrated I was, trying to answer all the questions in my head. After a few silent seconds, I shook my head and woke up from my day dream.

    I knew the staff had to be precious, so I decided to store it in a safe place. Under the blue carpet next to mum's bed, was a trap door. I rolled the carpet half way and got down on my knees. It was hard to find the small handle of the trap door because it was camouflage to look just like the wooden floor. Brushing my fingers on the floor, I suddenly felt a little hinge, I intersect my finger into it and pulled the door open. I picked up the staff next to me, noticing there was still some blood on it, I took my shirt off and cleaned the staff with the parts of the shirt that wasn't stained by blood. I glanced inside the small space of the trap door, there were a few books. I've never seen them before, when I was a kid I used to use this place as a hiding place for when I wanted to cry alone. Yet, all these years living inside this small cottage, this was the first time setting my eyes upon these books. My curiosity grew, but I ignored it. I placed the staff gently in the trap door and sealed the door. I pushed back the carpet and turned around walking out of mum's room.


Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Silver Feather : Chapter 2 The Saving Light

    My heart was pumping blood heavily, I could feel my chest moving as my heart pumped faster and faster. My palms were sweaty and shivering. I could see Scarlette and Alice were shivering too. I held them in my arms, it made me feel safer but it didn't help lower my anxiety. Terrified I was, but even more terrified for Sarlette and Alice's safety.

    The sound of the horses were getting closer and closer. Until it stopped. The witches were infront of the cottage. I heard the front door was knocked down with a thud. Then I heard the stomps of boots hitting the wooden floor. The sounds of those footsteps were underneath the room.

   "Niall, what ever happens. Take care of Scarlette and Alice! Don't let them be in harms way" said George on the other side of the door.
    "Ofcourse!" I answered firmly but without confidence.

    I heard George locked the door from outside and pushed the key under the door. I stood and took the key, pushing it in my left pocket. Then I went back to the corner where Scarlette and Alice were. On the floor we sat shivering in fear, my imagination was running wild, dark thoughts came to my mind. I imagined the brutal things the witches could do. I have heard many tales about witches and some stories from the country folks about the harm witches had done to their late relatives, all cruel and brutal. Suddenly, something catched my eyes. Under mum's bed something was reflecting light.

    I was curious what was shiny enough to reflect so little light from under the bed. I heard footsteps comming up the stairs. My curiosity grew. I just have to know what was under mum's bed. I stood up and ran to mum's bed. I squatted and reached my arm under the bed. I felt a cold metal. Without warning, I heard George shouted, defending himself. I grabbed the metal and went back to Scarlette and Alice. The witches were here. 

    Out of fear, Alice started to cry, Scarlette tried her best to calm Alice down but she too was dripping tears from her eyes. A few seconds later  it was silent besides the cries of Alice I heard nothing. Not even George. What happened to him? I thought the worst, and when things couldn't get any worst, it did. The door to mum's room thud. The witches were trying to come in. I held the metal cylinder in my hand, holding it in a defense position. Behind me Scarlette and Alice cried while holding each other. I had to keep them safe. If the witches came close I would hit them with this metal thing I was holding.

    The door was hit again, another thud was made. Soon after a few more blows the door took, it slammed down to the floor. There they were, three witches, two with a horrifying look while one, in the middle, her face was beautiful. Her eyes were grey, lips red as blood and hair was long and pure black. But as her eyes met mine, I felt a cold shiver up my spine, her eyes were full of evil.  

    "Hmmm... What a handsome young boy you are. It's a I shame I have to rip out your bones out for the ritual." said the witch with a slight chill in her words.

    Sweat ran down my face, I was breathing so heavily and my heart was pumping fiercely in my chest. The witch then gave a signal to the two other horrible looking witches to attack me. They came closer and closer. I held the metal cylinder in my hand tightly. Without, the two witches sprinted at me. But I was faster, I hit one witch on the head and knocked her down. The other tried to grab my head, I ducked and with all my force I stabbed the witch in the chest. Blood squirted out her chest and on to me, I pulled the metal out after the witch dropped to the floor. I was surprised to know that the metal I held had a sharp edge at the end just like a blade. The witch I hit on the head was trying to get up after a hard blow on the head I gave her. Panicking, I stabbed her in the back before she could get up on her two legs. Blood spattered out and the witch dropped dead. I was disgusted seeing that much blood and the smell of the blood reeked. I was sick to the tummy and almost vomited.

    Scarlette and Alice were still behind me shivering in shock to what they had saw. The one witch stood there at the door with her face astonishment but it soon changed. She gave a wicked smile. I held the metal in my hand as tight as I could. Unexpectedly, the head of the metal started to give out light. It shined silver light, brighter and brighter it became. It was so bright I had to cover my eyes with one arm while holding it with the other. Through the vivid light I saw the witch backing away and finally set off. I heard the horse set off and sooner the sound of the horse galloping came to an end as it ran further away. The light of the metal became dimmer and dimmer and finally it went out. What ever that light was, it saved my life.

    I threw the metal onto the floor and approached Scarlette and Alice quickly and hugged them. Tears ran down my eyes as they both held me tight, they too cried along with me. Although I couldn't tell whether it was tears of relief or tears of fear. After a few seconds, I asked whether Scarlette and Alice were alright, they both nodded silently. Then I remembered George. I straight away stood up and ran to the entrance of the room. There he was lying on the floor of the hall way unconscious. Again tears filled my eyes and a stream of tears ran down my face dripping off.

    "George! George! Wake up! Wake up George! Wake up..." I cried holding him in my arms. 

    He didn't looked hurt, but yet he didn't look well. Apart from four scratches on his left arm that drew blood, nothing else of his body was injured. I laid my hand over his chest, his heart was still beating so that meant he was still alive, but for how long?

Monday 2 December 2013

The Silver Feather :Chapter 1 The Odd Apperance

    The sun shined bright with it's golden rays entering my room. Dust floating in the air were visible and looked like golden dust as the rays of the sun hit them. I sat up on my bed and stretched out my arms. I took a deep breathe and gazed upon the curtain covering my window, it too shone bright due to the rays of the golden sun. It was another lovely morning to wake up too and I knew I had to get up to help my brother with his farm.

    I stood up taking steps away from my bed and towards my door. I pulled the towel hanging on my door and turned it's handle. Walking down the stairs, the sounds of my footsteps were being heard from my niece. She looked up at me from the kitchen and gave a sweet smile. She was a sweet little toddler aged 3, and i loved her dearly. I smiled back. I walked to the toilet of the cottage and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I didn't want to take a bath yet knowing that I would be working at the farm and sweating. I took a good look in the mirror infront  of me. My messy brunette hair, green eyes, tanned skin, broad shoulders and rosy red cheeks. I wet my hair a little just and washed my face again, then drying my face and hair with the towel.

   After refreshing myself up, I head towards the farm behind the cottage. There my brother kneeled on the ground watching me arriving. I straight away started my work. I started working at the farm at a young age, but it used to be me, George and dad. But dad had passed away two years ago. Now it was just me and George. We chatted a little while doing our work and then suddenly I heard something.

    It was the sound of horses. It was strange because this cottage was distanced from the village and not many people would come around. I looked up at the woods at the east of the farm. I could see shadows that soon became figures. Three black horses were running towards the cottage, and on each horse was a person in black cloaks. Everything they wore was black. Somehow I felt uneasy looking at them getting nearer from a distance. George stood up and looked as he saw a ghost.

    "Niall! Get in the house now!" shouted George with a firm voice. "NOW!"

    I was shocked, my heart beated fast and I ran to the house, George behind me. Soon in the house George shut the door locked and cried out for his wife and child. Hearing George's cry they ran to us in the kitchen.

    "Lock the doors! Close the curtains! Get inside the room and don't come out until I say so!" George ordered to his wife Scarlette.
    "What's going on?! Who are they?" I insisted for an answer.
    "Witches!" George answered without even looking at me, he was busy locking the doors.

    Witches? I had never seen a witch in my life, things were running through my head. Why were they here? What do they want? What would they do to us? I was terrified, but even more terrified of things that may happen to Scarlette and her daughter Alice. We all entered my Mum's room but George. He stood outside the room for our safety. I insisted of staying outside with him but he told me to watch Scarlette and Alice in the room for him. So I did what I was told.