Thursday 5 December 2013

The Silver Feather : Chapter 3 The Silver Secret Part 1

    After George was laid on a mattress in the living room downstairs, I went back up to mum's room. It was tough carrying George down the stairs, luckily Scarlette assisted me but it was still a struggle. Up the stairs I walked, spotting the blood spatter on the hall way floor infront of mum's room. My heart sank thinking of the danger George put himself through.

    I entered mum's room, there the broken door laid on the wooden floor. The two dead witch's bodies were still in the room covered with blood and stinking up the room. The stench was horrible. Again, I almost vomited breathing in the horrid smell of blood and dead bodies starting to rot. I had to do what I had to do, so I opened the windows of mum's room wide open and dragged each body to the window. I lifted the bodies and pushed them out the window one by one. It landed on the ground outside the cottage.

    I couldn't resist the urge to throw up, so I threw up out the window. Vomit hurled out my mouth as if it was forced out. I felt sick to the bones and very queasy. I turned around facing mum's room, blood was all over mum's yellow carpet. I looked at myself, my shirt was covered with blood stains. What a dreadful moment my family have been through. My eye's than scanned the room. Mum's bed sheet had a little spatter of blood, while the blue carpet on the left side of the bed was clean from blood stains.

    On the yellow carpet, next to the blood stains  was the metal cylinder I held earlier. I walked towards it, blood was on it's blade end. I picked it up. The head of the metal was shaped like a water droplet upside down and it was surrounded by silver petals. In the head was a feather, trapped in the crystal water droplet. It was neatly up right, silver in colour and it sparkled in the light a little. Such beauty it was. Then I realized, the metal cylinder I was holding was a staff. Not an ordinary staff though, it wasn't made of wood like the staff witch hunters used, it was made of silver and crystal.

    Why was the staff under mum's bed? What was the light the staff gave out just then. Magic? The only magic I knew existed was black magic. Again I asked myself, why in the world was the staff under mum's bed? Did it belong to my dear mum? Frustrated I was, trying to answer all the questions in my head. After a few silent seconds, I shook my head and woke up from my day dream.

    I knew the staff had to be precious, so I decided to store it in a safe place. Under the blue carpet next to mum's bed, was a trap door. I rolled the carpet half way and got down on my knees. It was hard to find the small handle of the trap door because it was camouflage to look just like the wooden floor. Brushing my fingers on the floor, I suddenly felt a little hinge, I intersect my finger into it and pulled the door open. I picked up the staff next to me, noticing there was still some blood on it, I took my shirt off and cleaned the staff with the parts of the shirt that wasn't stained by blood. I glanced inside the small space of the trap door, there were a few books. I've never seen them before, when I was a kid I used to use this place as a hiding place for when I wanted to cry alone. Yet, all these years living inside this small cottage, this was the first time setting my eyes upon these books. My curiosity grew, but I ignored it. I placed the staff gently in the trap door and sealed the door. I pushed back the carpet and turned around walking out of mum's room.


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