Friday 25 September 2015

Accepting One's Self

Good day ya guys!

Well i suddenly felt like writing (practically typing though) about the importance of being yourself. It suddenly struck me that a former friend of mine just doesn't like me for who i am. Don't get me wrong, i surely have cons of myself but other than just my cons, that person just hated me and accused me for being fake. Well that wasn't nice. Haih...

I did blame myself firstly, I blamed me for being talkative, too cheerful or because I'm the type to take things too easily. Yeah other than that I have cons, alot of disadvantages of having a friend like me. I'm really hot headed, I get angry easily and maybe I'm too sensitive sometimes. I can't keep interest in one thing for a long time and most guys say I have a personally of a guy. Maybe meaning that I am a rough type of person. Just to justify myself I was brought up with a violent brother who would beat me up if I associated myself with anything girlish. I had a tough childhood by being pressured by my brother to act like a boy and never having back up from anyone. (maybe i should of stood up for myself).

But now this is me, I'm shy with people I don't know but very energetic with my best pals. I am brave at sometimes, but such a scaredy cat when it comes to supernatural stuffs and movies. I like to listen to Taylor Swift and one direction, but I also love to listen to mild rock such as Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens. I like to have pretty things but I also like to have some rock sense but don't worry, nothing haram ofcourse. I love to show my identity of a muslim women, but some days i just feel like rocking out with boyish cloths. Yes I have the right for showing my true colours and self but ONLY if the true colours of myself is NOT against the laws of Allah swt.

Now some of you might be cursing me saying that im a hypocrite. Yes its ok being yourself, but know that everything has it's limits and we humans know what is right and wrong. Only go for the things that are right. Example, this girl who does not have the looks of a model, she is interested with make up. Go ahead, there's nothing wrong with that, people judge her saying she isn't even pretty with or without make up. Neglect those negative vibes judgmental people give, do what you like but as long as it isn't wrong. If she wore make up to impress guys instead of her self satisfaction than that is wrong and she should stop. But she does it for her passion for make up beauty.

You see, you can never shut the mouths of people who judge and discriminate you. What is important is that you are true to yourself. It's much better feeling alive and doing the right thing even if its against the crowd, than covering up the dead inside, faking yourself just to be accepted by this ruined society. For me if this former friend of mine does not like me, than let it be, I don't need someone in my life to force me to become somebody I'm not just so they could accept me. To all my friends, i would like to say I love you all. Each and everyone of you has your pros and cons, i get it we're all humans and none of us could run from the fact that we are never perfect. So in sya Allah I accept ya guys sincerely and we all should tolerate with each other and make ourselves become a better person than we were before.

And i would like to take this moment to apologise to those who I might have misinterpret and judge. I used to think rock music is ridiculous, but now I kinda understand why people like rock. So thats from me, I'm just posting this so maybe some people  might think out of the box and accept others more rather than judging them.

Hazlin Emira


  1. 😍😍😍 aku tak tahu pon kau ada bakat jadi penulis.. *big claps*.... i do adore it.. hehehe.. kau mesti pandai buat cerita fiksyen kan? 😏😏 nak baca!!

    1. lols. if short story boleh la~ haha thanks for the comment :D and thanks for reading

  2. Interesting.. I wish you would update your blog more often :)


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