Friday 2 December 2011

My Fwenz

Well, to start off i would like to say thx you guys for reading i guess. Now where was i? Oh the topik 'My Fwenz' haha. Well i have many friends indeed, some nice, some cool, some hot tempered but mostly friendly. And of course i have groups of friends, too many to say. Basicly in my class the PRS group which is membered by Mahira, Alia, Nasuha, Fyza, Pyka solleh2 and me :). I sit with them in class hehe. The other group is the gangster, which are Farisha, Jammy, Nina, Pika & Chichi, Fatin, Soraya, Wani n Arie. But they are not real gangsters so feel free to get to know them. But they are not my only friends, i have many from KRK1 until KRK4. I'm just too lazy to write their names hehe (sorry to you guys). All of my friends are kind, loving, carring and they can be a shoulder to cry on! Thats why i love them all! I have friends from 1Bestari 2009 and from year6 Dahlia SKBS.Guy friends mostly from form 4, i dont know why. They are friendly to me here are their names, Zaki, Teh, Zhafri, Khair, Nazmirul, but I have f5 friends aswell. I still dont know who but if you are f5 and you think your my friend then you are :) ... Just anyone can be my frind unless you'r a bad person who takes advantages from people! That i dont like! well i dont have much to say, i would love to be friends with you (who ever u are :p ) Hope you guys have a nice day! bye~
my other friends: adel, farah, amira.Q, asyiqin, ain, fasya, amalin, fatin fazira, ika izzati, zulaika, farah, nasreen, aqilah, spekah, puteri, ezlan and too many more! please comment if i forgot your name!!!

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