Friday 23 December 2011

PMR Result Day

Cute Graphics
Assalamualaikum firstly,
Well the day came for us PMR victims, the day that shows our effort and hard work throughout the year. The result day. 22nd December 2011, the day people shout of joy and cry of disappointment. To begin, the night before that day I slept really late. About 2.30am, I was suppose to sleep later about 3am but my senior friend told me to go sleep early so I could take my results the next morning. Even though I can't go take my result at school because I'm too far away at Johor, at my aunt's house. But he still forced me to go to sleep, well then I did. At the time, my stomach felt like a knife stabbing me. I get this sensation when I'm nervous. Then in 2min I fell asleep. The next morningI woke up about 7.30am, my aunt and uncle already were off to work. I went downstairs and watch television for an hour, patiently waiting for the clock to strike 10. Feeling abit sleepy, I went upstairs and slept. In my sleep i got a dream, the dream was like this- my dad went to school and took my PMR slip, on the slip was 5A's. When i woke up it was 10.30, suddenly I got a message from my dad saying; 5A/2B/1C. I was shocked, knowing I didn't get straight A's I was a little bit disappointing. But when i thought it over again I was pretty impressed, I didn't mind getting 5A's at all. I was proud in an odd way. I was even more proud when I found out I got maths A! Well anyone congratulate me? please hehehe just joking. Compared to most of my friends they all got more successful results, i just want to say CONGRATULATION! You deserve it :) . To those who got same as me; CONGRATES AND HIGH-FIVE! we have the same brains huhu. and for those less successful CONGRATES anyway, it doesn't matter anyway, you can still score for SPM and try to beat me hehe! challenge accepted? Ok and thanks to my senior, uncle rashid, acu and anyone for giving support! I appreciate it alot!well thats all from me!
Hazlin not so clever but awesome :)

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