Wednesday 19 December 2012

Me at Penang~

Assalamualaikum and Heyy!

Good evening, well here I am at my hometown house laying on a matress all alone. Why am I alone? Bcoz my family are in Bukit Sentosa, Selangor while I stay here 3hours away from them at Pulau Penang (my grandma's house).

   I decided to stay here at Penang so I could help and take care of my grandma who isn't quit healthy. At first I was excited to stay at penang bcoz my grandma was supose to be moving in a new house. But that got delayed,but I stayed anyway. See how caring I am haha. And you know what. .  . I'm having a blast stayin here at Penang.

   Every day I would have to wake up at about 9am and most days I would have to help my granda cook. It's kinda cool really. . . After cooking I take a bath and do what ever I do to kill time. I also do some chores like drying the cloths or washing the dishes. I enjoy doing chores while listening to music, it makes it less boring and less tiring.

   I don't know why, but everyday (almost everyday) I get money from my grandma or my elders... Great isn't it?! I'll just have to say "I want to go 7e to buy some bread, do you need to buy anything?" and BAM! My grandma gives me rm50 and says "i dont need anything. Buy anything for yourself"...and I act all innocent saying I already have money and stuff but in the end my grandma will insist of taking her money and buy whatever I want to buy. Hahaha! I'm so lucky~

   For meal time, i don't know why but my apetite just vanished when I came to Penang. Which means I don't eat as muchas I do back at home. It's a great thing bcoz I'm losing weight! And when I have the apetite to eat I just go to my grandma's neighbour next door (my toksu) and ask her if I can order pizza. And BAM! She'll gimme money to buy pizza's for me and her! Wooohooo! I dont even have to use my money! Man I love it here. Sorry if I being a brat and sorry if this post is sounding like I'm showing off (berlagak). I don't mean to sgow off or anything, I'm just saying whats on my mind.

   Moving forward, this Sunday is the day my grandma will move out from her house to a new house (due to some complicated things that happened). So I'll help my grandma with that. But out of all the things I want to do at Penang, the one thing I want to do is go to Queens Bay Mall and buy that one cardigen I saw the other day. I really want that cardigen so badly!!!! I just don't have the transport to go there! Erghhh! No matter what I am going to that mall and buy that cardigen before I go back to Bukit Sentosa this 25th Dec (christmas) !!!!! And no one can stop me! Over acting.

   Well thats all for tonight. Hope you enjoyed reading, if you dont thanks for reading anyway. Do follow my blog and I'll follow your's. So goodbye for now and tata~

Hazlin Emira bte Kamal Bahrain.

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