Sunday 16 December 2012

What Annoys Me!!!! Arghhh!

   Assalamualaikum, and Hodey! Well today I was sittin around doing nothing. So I thought why not post a blog about what people do to annoy me and what annoys me.

   One thing I hate the most is when I'm out eating at a restaurant with my family, theres must be one family member that enjoys annoying you. Well I have 3 family members that enjoy bugging me; firstly my Dad, my annoying sis Anis and lastly my baby(not really a baby, 6years old) brother Irfan a.k.a Aby(as like baby). One of the things I hate the most that annoys me is the sound of a metal spoon or fork clinging with another metal. Understand? It's the sound of you taking a metal spoon and hitting it with another metal spoon. My dad accidently clinged his spoon, so I told him not to do it again... And guess what, he kept on doing it on purpose over and over again! That sound just give me the shivers! In other words 'nilu'.

   Secondly, what annoys me when I'm with a group of friends is when they decide not to listen to me and everytime I start talking they will start saying "lalalalala" and cover their ears and completely ignore me. Warning if any of you do this to me I will take my fist and plant it in your face. I hate it when people do that to me! Ignoring me like that is kinda rude and unrespectable! Huhhhh.

   Carrying on, things that annoy me are clowns, insects, bad internet connection, no network line, no credit, no food to snack on, wet slippers, missing pins, missing hair bands(scrunches),missing remote and black outs. There are alot more things that annoy me but I'm too lazy to list it all. Another thing that annoys me: lazy me.

   Other than people themselves that annoy me, how people chat, sms or call me annoys me too. Chatting online, normal conversation. While I'm typing in the chat box to reply your IM, suddenly you send another IM! So I have to clear what I wrote and start typing a new IM to reply! Damn thats so annoying! It was my turn to reply cant you wait?! Next, sms.... Ok when I'm bored I text friends. It's never ok to ignore my text for no reason and texting me back 4hrs later saying "oh hai :) i was too lazy to text you back then." I feel like throwing my phone! Another thing, typo's I dont mind people pointing out my typo's. But asking me to type properly isn't the best way to get on my good side. I like to type my words the way I say them. . . Now calls. I don't mind people calling just to have conversations buf miss calling me a few times and when I ask them why they called, they completely ignore me! Don't ever do that to me. Don't you dare. . .

    What else annoys me? Hearing people curse out, in other words cuss and in other other words swear. I don't care if your swearing coz your angry, but randomly swearing for no particular reason is just stupid I think. Like this situation: a old lady watches a tv show singing contest. While a man sings this old lady says "why is his voice so f*ckin husky." thats in english... Well in malay is much worst: "suara mcm taik, puk*mak judge dye kata ok. Bodoh betol!" Actually she said it in malay, I just donno how to translate it. I just sat their listening to her swear, and I was like thinking to myself "what the hell old lady! Swearing just coz of his voice is inappropriate(bad spelling)! And your telling me to watch what I say." That old lady is actually a family member, not my grandma(my granny is good). That old lady often comes to my hometown house and lectures everyone to be a good person. Man I'm so maddd!!!
   Well, if I carry on this post I think I'll never stop coz theres so many things that bugs me out. So that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed reading. And thanks for reading my post. TATA for now~ bye.

Hazlin Emira bte. Kamal Bahrain

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